Tarta de chocolate webos fritos

Cómo hacer tarta de ron jamaicano | Receta completa
Marble CakeHace un par de semanas tenía pendiente publicar esta receta... Surgió de forma improvisada, era el fin de semana que mi chico estaba de viaje y aproveché para ir a comer a casa de mi hermana. Siempre me gusta llevar algo, sobre todo porque es la ocasión perfecta para probar nuevas recetas ;).
Repasando mis recetas y varios blogs de cocina, vi que Su de Webos Fritos había publicado unos brownies rápidos. ¡Justo lo que necesitaba! Unos pastelitos fáciles y rápidos de hacer, sin ingredientes complicados, ideales para una comida improvisada y para mi flamante molde de magdalenas que había comprado hace unas semanas en My Lovely Food.
Precalentamos el horno a 200º.En un bol mezclamos la harina, el azúcar, la levadura y el cacao. Añadimos las yemas, la leche, el agua y el aceite y mezclamos hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea. Repartimos en los moldes (previamente engrasados) y horneamos unos 30 minutos, dependiendo de cada horno.Buscador:Buscar:Categoría:ApúntateSweet lifey te regalamos nuestro e-book con nuestra mejor selecciónrecetasCorreo electrónico
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This is a wonderful chocolate Bundt Cake that appears on page 100 of the Webos Family book, Bizcochos. On their Webos Fritos page it is also published although in this case the quantities are for 4 eggs.
The truth is that the molds hook, I remember the first Bundt I saw, of course in El rincón de mi amiga Bea, which has a great step by step with photos. Of course it is important to respect some indications when using them, here you can also find an entry on the subject: Tips for baking Bundt Cakes.
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Finally a sweet without chocolate! finally, after so many months on a diet without making a single dessert without chocolate, intended only to be eaten by my children, I decided to make something for me. And it's not that from now on I'm going to eat sweets like before, now comes the hardest part which is to maintain the weight, but on a special occasion I can allow myself some joy ....
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Surely the most visited are the famous Webos Fritos roscón, the chocolate one from Kanela y Limon, of course the one from La Receta de la Felicidad and the natural sourdough one from Uno de Dos.... but I repeat, of the many I have seen I don't think any of them have anything to envy.
Thanks to my friends at Dekora I have been able to make these funny and simple little cups of chocolate with strawberries and cream. Undoubtedly the presentation possibilities can be multiplied by a thousand and each one more striking and beautiful. A very good option for the next lunch or dinner to show off.
Actually today we can not really talk about how to develop a recipe, what it really is about is to show an easy and different way to present for example a piece of fruit, call it a strawberry, several raspberries, a combination of banana slice and orange wedge, in short a thousand different ways with very little work to be the sea of good.
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